Friday, September 28, 2007

Project Overview

As a result of U.S. attempts to solve the increased demand for health-care professionals by importing foreign labor, the health-care systems in third world countries such as the Philippines are suffering.

Exporting health labor equates to the loss of countless professionals left to care for the country's sick and dying. Furthermore, although the U.S. seems to have all to gain from foreign labor, the harsh reality that it is cheaper to import labor than sending a student through professional school remains for minorities in the U.S. pursuing a career in health-care. PADD will be analyzing the effects of overseas Filipino nurses as a local, national and international issue.

Essentially, this issue represents a microcosm of the larger effect health related labor exportation plays on the people of a third world country. This also illustrates the inconspicuous effects this type of mass migration plays on global Diaspora (i.e. Filipino Americans). In exploring the various issues surrounding this project, PADD hopes to facilitate a critical discourse enabling students, faculty, and the community toward exploring reasonable avenues for change.

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